in collection
in collection
Posting, packaging and handling will be manually CAPPED at no more than $10 for unframed and $20 for framed or glass items as we use couriers for protection. The system used will automatically default to 20% of order cost, but we will adjust when we manually process the payment. You can elect to PICK UP from our Artarmon office if you prefer, and of course there is no charge. International address charged accordingly. We do not apply any credit card surcharges.
High 160917d 0007
High 160917d 0010
High 160917d 0011
High 160917d 0012
High 160917d 0013
High 160917d 0017
High 160917d 0153
High 160917d 0157
High 160917d 0160
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High 160917d 0166
High 160917d 0167
High 160917d 0168
High 160917d 0302
High 160917d 0398
High 160917d 0400
High 160917d 0410
High 160917d 0411
High 160917d 0412
High 160917d 0596
High 160917d 0597
High 160917d 0598
High 160917d 0600
High 160917d 0601
High 160917d 0603
High 160917d 0604
High 160917d 0605
High 160917d 0606
High 160917d 0607
High 160917d 0718
High 160917d 0721
High 160917d 0723